May 3, 2024 - Cherry Ridge, PA, to Milford, PA

Start: Cherry Ridge, PA
End: Milford, PA
Miles: 48.1
Feet climbing per mile: 64
Record of the day's ride:

The morning of the third day I did some maintenance, both personal and for my bike. My cabin had a jacuzzi, so I enjoyed a hot bath. There was no mirror in my bathroom, so to put in my contact lenses I used one the my bike's rear-view mirrors as I had done on a previous ride (I later learned that the mirror that had been in the bathroom had fallen and broken into many pieces because of the action of carpenter ants). The two previous days I had noticed that my trunk bag was sliding forward on the rack, so I made some adjustments to its mounting mechanism which would make it tighter.

The plan for the third day of this trip had been to ride from Lake Genero to Milford, but now that I was at Lake Wanoka Resort I created the route 3x Lake Wanoka Resort to Hawley, PA that would connect with my route from Lake Genero to Milford. The latter route was based on 3 Honesdale, PA, to Milford, PA which I rode last month. Before departing I took a third picture of my cabin.

I was on the road shortly after 11:30, and after three miles I turned onto a gravel road. This was not a complete surprise, because while creating the route to Hawley I was not able to determine whether all the roads were paved. Although I knew that I might be riding gravel for 2.5 miles, I decided to proceed because the gravel was rather fine.

Wangum Falls Road

The gravel became even finer as I continued.

Wangum Falls Road

I thought the Wangum Bridge over Middle Creek and the waterfall on the creek were both beautiful.

Farther along Wangum Falls Road I saw a pond connected to Middle Creek. If you look carefully at the picture below you'll see some floating platforms on which swimmers can hang out.

I saw some beautiful sights on Wangum Falls Road, so I was glad I proceeded despite the gravel.

When I rode through Hawley last month I hit a gap in the road because I was distracted by the Hawley Garage. I had neglected to take a picture of the gap and was hoping to do so on this trip. I was disappointed that I couldn't take a picture of the gap but glad that it had been repaired in no more than a few weeks.

The views along the Lackawaxen River were beautiful, just as they had been last month.

I wonder how often the swing hanging near the river is used.

Somehow I've always fascinated by railroad tracks, especially over bridges.

Do you think that branch balanced on the rock by itself?

At mile 21.6 I stopped at the Rowland Cooperative. Unlike last month, this time it was open. I bought a Lenka Cranberry & Chocolate bar and filled my water bottles.

Last month I crossed the Roebling Bridge over the Delaware River from Pennsylvania into New York on the roadway, but this time there was traffic so I took the walkway.

Roebling Bridge

Looking south down the Delaware River

I continued to follow the same route I had ridden the previous month from Honesdale to Milford, excepth that at mile 44.9 I continued on Sawkill Road rather than turning onto Christian Hill Road. I don't remember why I had made that change to the route, but as a result I was on route 2001 with its rush-hour traffic for almost an additional mile. The other change I made was to avoid most of Broad Street, the main street through Milford, by taking 6th Street. As a result I saw the gazebo shown in the picture below. I think it must be a great place to hang out with family and friends.

I arrived at the Myer Country Motel at about 5:15. Mika, the owner, told me that she sometimes receives offers from large motel chains to become part of their franchise, but she prefers to stay independent so that she is not constrained by corporate rules. I told her I was glad she intended to stay independent. This time, my third stay here, although my unit was again a queen, it was smaller than where I had stayed previously, and therefore a slight disappointment. 

After my usual shower, shave, and change of clothes, I walked to the Milford Diner where I ordered their spareribs as I had last month. I met Nick, one of the owners and husband of Chris, whom I met last month. I told Nick about Sean, the conductor on the train to Port Jervis who lived in Milford. Nick told me he knew Sean but hadn't seen him for a while.

Previous day: May 2, 2024 - Sterling, PA, to Cherry Ridge, PA
Next day: May 4, 2024 - Milford, PA, to Ramsey, NJ

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