Day 92: October 5, 2024 - Rest day

I began the day by making a reservation at a hotel in Westminster, Maryland, and arranging home stays in Lancaster and Danboro, both in Pennsylvania. I look forward to riding 300 miles to New York, starting Monday and arriving home on Thursday.

I had lunch at Silverado with David, a classmate from graduate school. We hadn’t seen each other since my big trip in. 2019. After lunch we went to his home where I used his computer to review and improve the routes I will use to ride home.

David and I drove past the house in which I lived from 1988 until 1992 when I moved to New York. A few blocks from the house we saw a deer that did not run when we stopped to watch it eat.

I noticed that my rack was no longer centered over the rear tire, probably from being laid on its side when put in several motor vehicles over the past week or so. I loosened the four bolts that secured the rack’s clamp to the seat tube, centered the rack, and tightened the bolts. As I turned one of the bolts it just kept turning without tightening, indicating that I had stripped the threads of the aluminum rack by over-tightening. Fortunately the other three bolts are all tight and the rack is secure on the seat tube.

I had dinner with Ken, the cyclist I met in Ennis, Montana, and who lives a few miles from where I’m staying, at Corso Italian, in Shirlington. Ken has been home from his cross-country trip for a month. We talked about all sorts of things we’ve experienced while on our long rides. Here we are in Ennis on August 16th.

One of the characters in the Halloween display put up by Matthew, son of my host John, keeps getting knocked over by the wind.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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