Day 94: October 7, 2024 - Alexandria, VA, to Westminster, MD

Start: Alexandria, VA
End: Westminster, MD
Miles: 76.2
Feet climbing per mile: 71
Record of the day's ride:

The first few miles of the day’s ride included roads with traffic and no shoulder, but I was soon on bike paths that took me through Arlington, Washington, and beyond. Many of the paths were well paved, but unfortunately some were not. After getting off the paths I realized that one of the irregularities I hit had put a flat spot on my front rim. Fortunately the braking with the front wheel is still smooth, but after I get home I will need to replace the rim.

Instead of riding the path below I found a detour on paved paths and streets.

Eventually I was out of suburbia.

I thought the trees below were especially beautiful. What sort of trees are they?

I’ve been wanting to make this video for a long time. Unfortunately I forgot to include the initial “O yes”.

With that scrotum of testicles the big one is clearly a bull.

Near the end of the day I was on highway 27 for seventeen and one half miles. Because of the heavy traffic, I was glad to be able to ride the generous smooth shoulder, but it had a design I had never seen before. Whenever there was an option for a left turn, the shoulder would disappear in order to create a lane in which the traffic could continue without being hampered by vehicles turning left. This was clever, but it posed a challenge for me. Too bad no provision had been made for at least a narrow shoulder to the right of the extra lane.

When I entered my room at the Best Western the picture below was on the TV screen.

I had dinner at Baugher’s.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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