Day 95: October 8, 2024: Westminster, MD, to Lancaster, PA

Start: Westminster, MD
End: Lancaster, PA
Miles: 58.0
Feet climbing per mile: 69
Record of the day's ride:

Because I got a flat spot on my front rim yesterday I filled my tires to 80 and 85 psi rather than 75 and 80.

It was only 50 when I started to ride to I wore my short-sleeve shirt over my long-sleeve shirt. I also wore my windbreaker for a while.

Throughout the day I was often on roads like the one below.

The road below was my favorite.

I like to cool my feet in water, too.

Have you ever seen so many Canada geese all at once? The owner of the property says the geese love her pond and every year new geese are born there.

That deep red caught my attention.

Maybe some day I will stealth camp in a fixer-upper.

Here’s the view looking south down the Susquehanna River.

As I was riding through Columbia a driver coming from a road to the right approached the road I was on. He stopped at the sign but well beyond the white stop line. As I rode passed him I waved to indicate he should have stopped sooner. As the driver passed me he yelled “I stopped at the stop sign, asshole!”. I didn’t have the opportunity to respond “You’re supposed to stop at the line, asshole!”.

I spent the night at the home of my friends Chris and Lynn. Chris attended a marital arts class while Lynn and I enjoyed the dinner she made from locally-sourced ingredients.

My plan had been to ride to 80 miles the next day and 83 miles the day after that to bring me home. Both of those rides, including stops for snacks and pictures, would have taken about nine hours. I decided that was too long and so made hotel reservations in order to split each of those long days into two. I will arrive home Saturday, rather than Thursday.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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