Day 17: July 22, 2024 - Rest Day / Mitchell, OR, to Priarie City, OR (by People Mover)

Start: Mitchell, OR
End: Prairie City, OR
Miles: 82 (by People Mover bus)

I was up at 5:30 and saw that the air was still too bad to ride.

The four cyclists who arrived yesterday came to the same conclusion and found a People Mover bus that will take them west into better air. I planned to catch that bus when it returns this evening and take it to Prairie City where I made a reservation at Hotel Prairie. Unless the air there is substantially better tomorrow morning, I will then hitch a ride to Baker City where it is now good enough to ride. I was told by Joni, who is staying at Spoke’n Hostel after evacuating from her home, that it will be easy to catch a ride at the MiniMart.

How much of an adventure can it be if everything goes according to plan?

The People Mover was delayed because of a flat. It departed with the four cyclists at 10:15. The driver told me the flat would shorten his layover and that he expected to arrive on time later today, about 6:20.

I knew that by the time I would arrive in Prairie City the restaurants would be closed, so I ate dinner at the Tiger Town Brewing Company in Mitchell.

I caught the People Mover at about 6:30. At the time the sun was out and the air quality index (AQI) was about 100, low enough for it to be safe to ride. I told Lonny, the driver, how grateful I was for being able to get a ride from him and for taking the four cyclists the other direction in the morning.

I had planned to watch the movie Inspired to Ride on the two-hour trip to Prairie City, but the scenery was so gorgeous that I forwent doing so. I regretted that I would not be able to ride my bike through such beautiful territory.

However about halfway through the bus ride the air became bad enough that I could taste the smoke. (When we were a few miles from our destination I noticed that one of the windows was slightly open, so the air inside the bus was worse than it could have been.)

What a contrast there was between the first and second halves of the bus ride!

Lonny dropped me at Hotel Prairie at about 8:30. The AQI was now about 200. Because of my late check-in a key was to be left for me but it wasn’t there. Fortunately the problem was quickly resolved and I was inside with fresh air. Joni’s friend David, who lives in Prairie City, met me at the hotel and we had interesting conversation about all sorts of things.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map.  Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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