Day 25: July 30, 2024 - Rest Day

As I got up at 6:00 and the air seemed better than in the middle of the night when I could taste the smoke.

The morning and afternoon were both cool. With weather like this I would be able to ride more miles than when it’s 90 as early as noon.

The extraordinary camp host Linda again made me and delivered a breakfast of eggs scrambled with cheese, sausage, and a tortilla.

In the late morning I saw blue sky and clouds in all directions. The air quality index was 53. What an improvement!

I spent time refining my plan to ride to Ontario to rent a car, taking into account the forecast of extreme heat for Thursday and Friday.

In the late afternoon my new neighbor Julie brought me watermelon and cantaloupe, nuts, bars, black olives, and beef jerky. I immediately ate the watermelon and cantaloupe in the bowel in which the melon from my previous neighbors had arrived.

Soon Julie returned with flank steak and roasted potatoes and announced it to be the main course. Hot off the grill, it was such a treat!

Before Linda left the park for home in the evening she brought me some packets of applesauce and cartons of chocolate milk. She had previously offered to take my broken rack to a post office and send it to David Brorein. She took the rack which is now on its way to be studied.

I would never plan on the generosity of random strangers, and yet it is somehow reliable. Does that make sense?

I have continued to put one half teaspoon of electrolyte powder in each water bottle. I’ve had only one serious cramp, which was a while ago, and no more loose bowels. I think I’ve hit on the right dosage.

By the time I took my evening walk the air quality index was 30.

During hot afternoons I’ve spent time in the shaded area shown in the video below.

The Idaho hills looked so beautiful in the evening sunlight.

Julie had told me that my package might be delivered not to my campsite but to a box across the road from the entrance to the park. I included in my walk finding the box.

At 10:00 the air quality map suggested that I might not need to rent a car in order to avoid the smoke, which means I could continue from here on the Trans Am route and ride the sections of the route I thought I would miss.

As I went to sleep the USPS website showed my package as scheduled to be delivered by 6:00 p.m. the next day.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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