Day 19: July 24, 2024 - Rest day

I was up at 5:45, staying on my early schedule. Today was another rest day due to the extreme heat. Tomorrow’s forecast is for cooler weather. I hope that the air quality is good enough to be able to ride to Halfway. Due to the smoke from the many wildfires, July 19th was the last day I rode my bike. So today will be the fifth day I haven’t ridden.

Here are some alternate lyrics for the song Woyoya:

It will be hard we know
And the air will be smoky and hot but we’ll get there
Heaven knows how we will get there
We know we will

I weighed 164 pounds on June 30th but now I’m up to 169. I suspect the increase is due to my not riding for several days.

I visited the Baker Heritage Museum. There was a sign inviting pianists to play the piano below, so I played my song Ancient Figures.

As I walked around, I had the thought that in 100 or 200 years all the artifacts of our modern life will look as quaint as the artifacts I saw in the museum.

I wonder whether anyone has ever ridden across the country on a penny farthing.

There's taking too much stuff and then there's taking too much stuff.

I did not play this piano. I had never seen one with that design.

I was told by someone working at the museum that this is a real skeleton.

Note my feet, for scale. Why would someone need such a large sliderule?

I was glad to see some kids playing in the park near the museum on what Mike Macewich and I call the Puke Machine, even if it was a tame version.

After I visited the museum I bought clear topcoat (nail polish) to use as glue, a roll of electrical tape, and a spool of dark grey thread. I told Kristi, who sold me the thread at Treasure Every Stitch, about my possible need for a ride to Halfway. She told me about a bus service but when I called I was told the bus went from Baker City to Halfway only Wednesdays, and that it had left in the morning.

After shopping I had a delicious sandwich, potato salad, and ice cream cone at Charley’s Deli & Ice Cream. While I was there a storm with high winds lasted about 30 minutes. Later I saw that the storm had damaged several trees.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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