Day 6: July 11, 2024 - Netarts, OR, to Grand Ronde, OR

Start: Netarts, OR
End: Grand Ronde, OR
Miles: 58.7
Feet climbing per mile: 63
Record of the day's ride:

I forwent having a shower the night before but I had trouble sleeping so at 2:00 I got up to have a shower (and a shave!). By the time I returned to my tent it was 3:00. I then slept well.

I was up at 5:50 and on the road at 7:20. Due to more logical packing of my trunk bag the time for me to pack up my campsite is becoming less.

The portion of 101 that I rode this day had a wide shoulder and no logging trucks. What a relief!

Who needs a boat? You can find it at mile 21.

At True Value Hardware in Pacific City I was able to buy a screw I needed. More about how I used that screw in a leter post.

The views along the coast were again gorgeous.

The curvy road from mile 32 to 37 was gorgeous. There was challenging climbing followed by an exciting descent.

The gravel that started at the peak fortunately extended only a short distance.

At mile 37 a horse looked at me for a long time and repeatedly nodded his head. I repeatedly nodded mine in response and I think the horse understood that I was echoing his gesture. Is that a thing horses do?

There was heavy traffic on route 18, but the shoulder was adequate.

Near the end of my ride I stopped at a roadside stand and bought some cherries. I arrived at Spirit Mountain Hotel feeling strong.

I was surprised at both the size and elegance of my room that cost just $119 including taxes and fees. In contrast, the Rock Creek Grill, near to the obnoxious atmosphere of the casino, was a huge disappointment. I would have preferred to eat at McDonald’s. There was one restaurant in the hotel isolated from the casino but the cost of its offerings was at least twice what I was willing to spend. I suppose the business strategy is to offer beautiful rooms for a low price in order to entice people to come and throw away their money in the casino.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

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