Day 4: July 9, 2024 - Manzanita, OR, to Netarts, OR

Start: Manzanita, OR
End: Netarts, OR
Miles: 50.4
Feet climbing per mile: 59
Record of the day's ride:

I was up at 5:30 and on the road at 7:15.

The route I created the previous night to avoid 101 put me on some beautiful, quiet roads, And the section of 101 I did ride had a wide shoulder and no logging trucks.

A highlight of the day was to stop at the Tillamook (pronounced “TILL-uh-muck”) Creamery. I first had their ice cream when I was staying with Stephanie and Sean in Portland. I’ve seen their cheese in New York but I don’t recall seeing their ice cream.

Riding Cape Meares rather than cutting across the peninsula I saw some beautiful scenery and some interesting signs.

I wonder what use is made of that boat.

About mile 37 I began I tough climb on a road with new asphalt. After I had gone about a mile I saw that I had missed a turn. I thought that it might be better to continue without making the turn, so I parked my bike and walked back to the turn.

I found that the turn I had missed led to a gravel road, so I returned to my bike and started walking it up the hill because it was too steep to get started riding. Soon there was a level section where I resumed riding, and then there was a descent marked by a sign indicating a 12% grade.

I stopped in Netarts (pronounced KNEE-tarts) and stopped at the Upstairs Bar & GrilI. This was the closest food to the campground where I was headed six miles ahead, so ate my dinner in the early afternoon. I arrived at Cape Lookout State Park at 3:20.

That night I saw a beautiful sunset.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

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