Day 5: July 10, 2024 - Rest Day

Start and end: Cape Lookout State Park
Miles: 13.2
Feet climbing per mile: 52
Record of the day's ride:

When I got up at 7:00 it was both cloudy and foggy. I was tired from having ridden four days, so I decided this day would be a rest day. I had not yet written any blog posts, so my goal was to write five this day and be caught up.

This campground, like the one in Nehalem Bay State Park, has a hiker-biker section for which the charge is just $8 per night. Both hiker-biker sections include lockers that serve as bear boxes, and inside each locker are ports for charging electronics.

I don’t remember what I did all morning, but at 12:15 I rode into Netarts (pronounced KNEE-tarts) where I spent the afternoon at the Upstairs Bar & Grill blogging and eating. I didn’t write and I publish five posts, but, to paraphrase Meatloaf, three out of five ain’t bad.

By the way, "Oregon" is pronounced OR-ih-gin, like “origin” but with a hard G.

I left the Upstairs Bar & Grill at 7:45 to get to the grocery store before it closed at 8:00. I bought some chips in case I became hungry later and some bars of dark chocolate for the morning.

I arrived back at my campsite about 8:30.

I discovered that some of the stitching in my right off-bike shoe was becoming undone. Google Maps showed that I would not be near a cobbler who could put in a few stitches to prevent the problem from becoming worse until a few days later in Eugene.

Later I was going to have a shower but on the way to the shower building I realized I had forgotten my towel. (Perhaps I should attach something to my toiletries bag that would remind me to bring my towel.) I decided to forgo the shower, headed back towards my campsite, and continued to the beach for a night-time walk near the ocean.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

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