Day 8: July 13, 2024 - Corvallis, OR, to Veneta, OR

Start: Corvallis, OR
End: Veneta, OR
Miles: 45.2
Feet climbing per mile: 36
Record of the day's ride:

I was up at 5:45 and spent some of the morning writing my blog post for day 4. I was on the road at 10:25. That was a rather late start, which meant that I rode during the hot afternoon.

I had made a reservation at Campus Inn & Suites in Eugene and planned to have my shoes repaired the next morning by Jim the Shoe Doctor.

I initially took roads west of 99W because they would have less traffic than 99W and be more scenic, but because of the chipseal I headed to 99W after a few miles. 99W south of Corvallis was not as pleasant as it had been north of Corvallis, but it was far superior to riding on chipseal. I thought one section lined with thick green trees to be especially beautiful.

This was my first day riding with a wheel stabilizer that made it easier to use both hands on my saddle bag when replacing my cleat covers and zipping the bag. I think it also reduces the tendency of the bike to shimmy, but it’s hard to know with certainty. In order to install the stabilizer I needed to use one of Sheldon’s Fender Nuts, and in order to be able to install the nut I had David Brorein, my friend who is a machinist, reduce the diameter of the nut so that it would fit into the hole in my frame.

At about 3:30 I arrived at the home of Jim and Susan Brown, who are the parents of Andre Brown, the boyfriend of Elysia Belilove, my wife’s niece who decorated the cake for my send-off party. (Do you need to read that again?) Andre and Elysia were at the county fair and did not return until about 7:00, so I had a plenty of time to get to know Jim and Susan whom I had just met. Susan gave me a piece of a cheesecake-like creation made with Greek yogurt, eggs, and sugar, then topped with blueberry jam. Wow! I intend to get the recipe from Susan.

Another son Herschel arrived with Andre and Elysia. Some time ago Andre had told me that he and Elysia would be visiting his parents as I went through Eugene, and that they would be out of bedrooms but I would be welcome to pitch my tent in the back yard, which I did.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

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