Riding Day 14 - June 15th, 2019

Start: Fancy Gap, VA
End: Doughton Park Campground
Miles: 46.6
Feet climbing per mile: 98
Record of today’s ride: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/36013917

While eating dinner at the Gap Deli at the Parkway last night, I met a couple, Jim and Susan, who told me they sell a device called a BEMER (the name is an acronym) that improves the circulation of blood through the capillaries. One of their many success stories with this device is that Jim recovered in 48 hours from a stroke. They invited me to their home, several miles south on the Parkway, to hear more about the BEMER and to have an 8-minute session, which I did this morning. All I needed to do was to lie on the BEMER pad. During the session I sometimes felt tingly all over, and for a while I experienced an unusual taste. I couldn’t tell in my riding whether it made any difference, but the many success story Jim and Susan told have me excited about a potentially life-altering possibility.

At 2:00 in the afternoon I arrived at the Circle L Family Restaurant, which is the closest restaurant to tonight’s destination, Doughton Park Campground. The restaurant and the campground are separated by 14 miles, with climbing averaging 100 feet per mile. I had no desire to eat my huge dinner at 2:00 in the afternoon, nor to carry it at that time to the campground for eating in the evening. I explained my problem to the girl working the counter and asked how I might have my dinner delivered. She said they didn’t deliver and replied that I know they don’t deliver but how much would it cost to have it delivered. There was more of this back and forth, punctuated by her trips to the kitchen. Eventually Eric Bennett, the owner, came out, and I explained my situation again. After a short discussion Eric said he would deliver my dinner. I placed my order, paid for it and the delivery, and we agreed to meet at 8:00 at the registration booth unless I called with the number of my camp site. Despite the spotty service (AT&T coverage is horrible here), I was able to place a call so Eric delivered my dinner to my site. Thank you, Eric, for making my day!

I’ve now ridden four consecutive days since my last rest day. I’m ready for another rest day but do not want to spend it here where there are no showers and no electric outlets, so I made a reservation at the Park View Inn, exactly halfway to my next planned destination. I couldn’t bring up the website of the Park View Inn so I don’t know anything about it other than that it has hot showers and staying there will give me two consecutive days of just 29 miles (although with 100 feet of climbing per mile) with each day serving as a sort of rest day. The restaurant is closed but there’s a shuttle to a nearby town with places to eat.


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