Riding Day 19 - June 21st, 2019

Start: Weaverville, NC
End: Greenville, NC
Miles: 83.6
Feet climbing per mile: 57
Record of today’s ride: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/36239170

Today's ride began along the the French Broad (which is a river, not a femme fatale) and included an early stop at the French Broad Chocolate Factory where I enjoyed one of their amazing brownies.

I loved seeing the industry along the river, and the traffic was both light and polite, with all the drivers executing safe passes around me. Things changed for the worse when I got to 25A, where many of the drivers were aggressive rather than considerate, using their vehicles to commit assault as they buzz-passed me while I was riding in the lane.

For the sake of my safety I used google maps to find alternate routes, sometimes asking for biking directions, but also asking for walking directions, which is something I hadn't previously considered. Eventually I found my way onto peaceful roads.

At the state line I began a seven-mile descent through the Greenville Watershed during which I encountered only one motor vehicle. The surface of the road was sometimes rough, so I descended more slowly than I might have.

However, when I came to the four-lane Main Street in Travelers Rest (what an ironic misnomer!) with its impatient drivers in a hurry to get home at the end of the week, I walked for about a mile on the grass alongside the road. Perhaps the look on the face of the cow expressed her sympathy for my plight.

When I saw a sidewalk on the other side of the road I carefully crossed over (it wasn't easy) and rode it until it ended, at which point I walked in the road against traffic. Fortunately all the drivers moved around me. I was relieved to come to the Swamp Rabbit Trail which brought me to within a few blocks of my destination.

My hosts Richard and Beth served me a dinner of hamburgers, fries, cole slaw, salad, and ice cream, which we ate outside on their deck to the accompaniment of the crickets.


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