Riding Day 63 - August 17th, 2019

Start: Ohiopyle, PA
End: Somerset, PA
Miles: 51.1
Feet climbing per mile: 77
Record of today’s ride: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/38726727

Today’s ride began with walking my bike down the quarter-mile trail to the GAP trail (it took a little more than ten minutes) and then riding to Ohiopyle and on to Fallingwater  There was some serious climbing between Ohiopyle and Fallingwater, none of which I walked and most of which I took in my 34/23 gear (not my lowest) out of the saddle.

A big thank-you is due to Chris Barker for encouraging me to visit Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater. What an amazing home! I spent about two hours walking the grounds and taking pictures and video.

I finally left Fallingwater about 12:45, quite late to begin a 64-mile ride to Shawnee State Park, especially one with a lot of climbing at the end of it. After riding a total of 44 miles I realized that it was too late and I was too tired to complete the ride as planned as well as the round-trip ride to dinner before sunset. I started looking for motels but I had no cellular service, so I walked a half mile up a hill. There I learned that there were hotels with restaurants nearby in Somerset, just 6.6 miles away. I’m spending the night at the Days Inn. In the morning I will decide whether I will ride two or three days (and where I will stay) before arriving in Harrisburg where I will be hosted by Bill Head, a friend from the Facebook group Cycling Past Fifty. If I decide to ride three days before arriving in Harrisburg my arrival home will be delayed by one day.

Be sure to watch the video below for a rare look at Fallingwater.


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