Riding Day 71 - August 25th, 2019

Start: Highland Falls, NY
End: New York, NY
Miles: 55.0
Feet climbing per mile: 55
Record of today’s ride: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/39079781

I intended that today’s ride have no adventure but rather be a procession into Manhattan (as the final day of the Tour de France is a procession into Paris). And that’s what it was! Although there were some challenging climbs (all of which felt easier than previously even with 18 extra pounds of gear), there were no problems at all. My average moving speed was just 12 miles per hour (slower than usual), and it took me seven and one half hours to complete the 55 miles, so today’s ride was leisurely, as is appropriate for a procession.

My first stop was at Hessian Lake, where I removed my shoes and socks and put my feet in the water. When I did that on a trip last summer, I wondered whether I would have suggested doing so if I had been riding with a partner, and wondered whether my partner would have agreed if I had made the suggestion. That’s when I knew that the journey I completed today would be a solo trip.

My second stop was the Cove Deli, in Tomkins Cove, NY, where I stopped for ice cream on the same trip mentioned above. Of course I had ice cream there today.

My third stop was Casa Hudson, a beautiful B&B in Haverstraw, NY, owned by Andrea Caccuro and Nelson Diaz. I visited with Andrea but Nelson was away. Nelson was one of my friends who advised me to take mountain bike shoes rather than road bike shoes (which advice I ignored until the middle of my trip) and who gave me the Gran Fondo New York water bottle I almost lost several days ago.

My fourth stop was the Runcible Spoon, in Nyack, NY, where I’ve eaten many brownies, including one today.

My fifth stop was The Filling Station in Palisades, NY, where I had a chocolate ice cream cone.

Whenever I cross the GW Bridge on my return home, I think of myself as a Roman general returning from a successful battle. Today was no exception.

My sixth stop was Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company, just a few blocks from my home in Manhattan. I arrived at 4:37 to discover they had closed at 4:30. I told one of the employees who was leaving of my journey and that I was looking for a cinnamon raisin bagel. He said that all the remaining bagels had been tossed, so I asked whether he could give me one of the tossed ones. In a few minutes he returned with two cinnamon raisin bagels, no charge.

I arrived home a few minutes after eating one of the bagels, having completed a 90-day solo journey of more than 4,500 miles.


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