Riding Day 41 - July 21st, 2019

Start: Cedar Falls, IA
End: Decorah, IA
Miles: 79.5
Feet climbing per mile: 35
Record of today’s ride: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/37564968

I was riding into headwinds all day long, which made for a very long day. The nap I took on someone’s grass at mile 42 was some help, but it was a litre of Mountain Dew that reinvigorated me late in the day. I wonder why that stuff is so effective. Is it because of the sugar and caffeine?

I realized today I haven’t taken any pictures of the many corn fields through I've seen so I shot a video.

As I’m writing this in my tent at Pulpit Rock Campground I can hear the stream which is about 30 feet away. I look forward to having it accompany my sleep.

I’m tired, probably behind on my sleep, and I’m considering spending another day here. Due to the high winds that have caused a lot of damage throughout Wisconsin, power is still out in Chetek. So whether Greg, Peggy, Cathy, Jessica, and Chris spend time there this week is now uncertain.

My campsite at Pulpit Rock Campground


  1. You are correct. Mountain Dew works wonders due to sugar and caffeine. It’s not healthy by any means but keeps me awake and alive on long drives.


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