Day 59: September 2, 2024 - Granby, CO, to Kremmling, CO

Start: Granby, CO
End: Kremmling, CO
Miles: 27.8
Feet climbing per mile: 23
Record of the day's ride:

The previous day I did not finish my blog post for the day, but this morning, being refreshed from a good night’s sleep, I found it easy to do. Maybe first thing in the morning is when I should do my blogging.

As I was filling my front tire I was initially unable to get beyond 68 psi to the target 70 psi. I then noticed a hissing, and realized it was coming from the connection between the hose and the body of the pump. I tightened the connection and all was well.

As I was about to start riding I tuned on my satellite communicator to discover that its battery was empty. The previous day I thought I saw an indication of 77% for the battery, and so did not recharge it. Perhaps it had said 7% rather than 77%. I connected the communicator to an external battery and put the battery in the outside left pocket of my trunk bag. I was then able to have the communicator track my progress, and by the time I reached my destination the battery was at 100%.

As I was leaving Granby I saw an Ace Hardware so I stopped to buy a spare O-ring just in case the one where there was hissing is starting to wear out. By the way, this is the O-ring I replaced August 19, 2019. Read about it here:

In contrast to my two previous days in Colorado, there was often a generous shoulder and not the frequent cracks in the pavement.

In Hot Sulphur Springs I stopped at the 7670 Grill looking for pie. They had no pie omit they did have cinnamon rolls.

Colorado is indeed colorful.

This gorge through which the Colorado River runs is the most gorgeous place I’ve ever ridden. The video show the start of the gorge, which became more dramatic as I continued.

Having ridden 28 miles while decreasing my elevation 500 feet, I felt like this was almost a rest day.

I spent the night at the Super 8 and ate dinner at the Grand Old West.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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