Day 80: September 23, 2024 - Ducktown, TN, to Murphy, NC

Start: Ducktown, TN
End: Murphy, NC
Miles: 30.7
Feet climbing per mile: 110?
Record of the day's ride:

My original route for this day was 33 miles, so I had the idea it might feel light a rest day. However there would be a lot of climbing which would make it feel more like a training day.

North Carolina could be a contender for the greenest state in the land of the free.

After riding on a lot of backroads with a lot of climbing and sometimes a rough surface, I considered continuing to Murphy on the four-lane main road. However the heavy traffic felt oppressive even though there was a decent shoulder, so I used Google Maps to find a route different from my original that would mostly keep me off the main road. For a few minutes there was a lot of rain.

I saw this sort of plants throughout the day and wonder what they are.

I spent the night at the Sunset Motel, which seems to have a theme.

I ate dinner at ShoeBooties Cafe. After dinner I created a new route to Cherokee that would avoid the main roads. I also revised my plans for the first two days on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I find the planning exhausting.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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