Day 77: September 20, 2024 - Rest Day

Start and End: The Crash Pad
Miles: 13.4
Feet climbing per mile: 65
Record of the day's ride:

I love Dollar General! I often stop there to get snacks during my rides, and now they have 100g bars of dark chocolate for just $1.50!

This would be a restful rest day, but there were several things I needed to do. After breakfast at Niedlov’s, I had a phone call with Gwyn at the Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation in which I helped her solve a problem on one of our computers. I then rode to Nooga Paws where I bought a can of dog repellent. The can is too small to fit snugly in my bear-spray cage, but with some Velcro I got from Stephen at Trek Bicycles, conveniently located near Nooga Paws, I was able to make a holder for the repellent.

The repellent slips easily into and out of the Velcro.

Let them eat cake!

When I was at Trek Bicycles the previous day I told Stephen that my air pump had been sometimes acting strangely. He thought one of the pump’s O-rings might be worn, so I rode to Ace Hardware and bought a replacement.

I realized I needed a second rest day, so when I returned to The Crash Pad I said I’d like to stay one more day and asked whether a bottom bunk might be available. I was told the only bunk available was the one I was in. Shall I add an exhortation Make thy reservations while ye may!?

My original plan was to ride to Cherokee in two days, 85 miles the first day and 66 miles the second. I thought the 85-mile day with lots of climbing would be too long, so I revised my routes to take three days: 67 miles, 33 miles, and 59 miles. I also made reservations at motels for all three nights.

I had dinner at Nic & Norman’s Chattanooga. The food was delicious, and unlike all the other restaurants I considered, it was not too noisy, even though it had live music.

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