Day 65: September 8, 2024 - Frisco, CO, to Denver, CO (by bus), to Chicago, IL (by train)

I got up early and caught the 7:10 bus that arrived in Denver at about 9:00. The scenery during the ride was spectacular.

I had breakfast near the train station and afterwards chose the restaurant where I would have dinner with classmates from grade school and high school Monday the 9th. In the afternoon I had a Feldenkrais lesson with Bethany Cobb. When I returned to the train station I learned that my train was delayed about an hour. I changed into my off-bike clothes and when it was time to board I removed the handlebar bag and trunk bag before handing my bike up to the attendant who stored it on a rack. I used two bungee cords to make my trunk bag, cold-weather clothes, and biking shoes into a single bundle.

I had dinner on the train which I bought in the cafe car.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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