Day 60: September 3, 2024 - Kremmling, CO, to Frisco, CO

Start: Kremmling, CO
End: Frisco, CO
Miles: 47.9
Feet climbing per mile: 67
Record of the day's ride:

I expected this day to be difficult, given that I would be starting at 7,400 feet and finishing at 9,000 feet. I had previously ridden as high as 9,600 feet, but I had never slept above 8,000 feet. The huge surprise was that I would finish the ride strong and continue to feel good into the night. I obviously had acclimated to the elevation.

The route went around the south side of the Green Mountain Reservoir which had dramatic rock formations.

I crossed the dam and had a great view of the spillway.

I tried to take a video showing the entire reservoir but I don’t think there’s any place on the road from which it is entirely visible. It’s huge!

After leaving the south side of the reservoir and getting back on the main road is where I experienced the biggest challenge of the day. For a few miles the shoulder was barely wide enough for walking and there was often traffic in both directions. I used the strategy I’ve described previously of riding against traffic.

About ten miles before the end of the ride I stopped to have a Monster energy drink which I discovered I liked some days (weeks?) ago. A mile and a half later I saw a road in front of and high above me. I wondered whether I would be riding up to it.

I would ride up to it, through a series of switchbacks.

I had to walk the switchbacks, but then there was a flat section where I resumed riding. I said to a woman standing in front of her home, “You live in an interesting neighborhood with these switchbacks”. She replied that there was more climbing, and I thought Who goes up gets to go up more!.

I also said “Hi” to a man who was walking his dogs. He replied “How are you doing?”, to which I could have said. “Quite well for someone who lives at sea level”.

When I got to the top I had a beautiful view of Dillon Reservoir.

After leaving Dillon Dam Road I was riding on a tree-lined path.

After leaving the tree-lined path. I saw a hazard on the bike path but was unable remove it because the pipes were too tall to allow the cover to be flush with the path.

As I wrote earlier, I had a strong finish and felt good into the night. It seemed as if a switch had been thrown.

I spent the night at the Snowshoe Motel where I planned to have at least one rest day before climbing up to Hoosier Pass. I ate dinner at the 5th Avenue Grille.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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