Day 66: September 9, 2024 - Denver, CO, to Chicago, IL (by train)

This was an overnight train. Why did I think I would be able to sleep in my coach seat? I’m able to sleep upright during the day but at night I need to be horizontal. I found a pair of seats and attempted to sleep in them and was unable to get comfortable. I also tried sleeping across three seats in the observation car but it was too noisy and bright.

Eventually I found a space on the floor and was able to sleep there.

The train arrived at Union Station shortly after 3:00 p.m. I rode a mile to HI Chicago, a hostel at which I had reserved a bunk that cost me a little less than $150 for two nights. After a shower and shave I had a much-needed nap.

I was joined for dinner by friends from grade school and high school at Gino’s East - South Loop, just a few blocks from HI Chicago. From left to right: York Chan, myself, Mike Court, Mike Guadagno, Roxanne Guadagno, Mike Macewich, Phil Igyarto, Roxanne Laux.

The three Mikes, Roxanne Laux, and I graduated from Our Lady of Grace in 1968. Roxanne Guadagno is Mike Guadagno’s wife. York, Phil, and I graduated from Lane Tech in 1972. The three Mikes all graduated from Weber in 1972.

We had three varieties of deep-dish pizza. I think it was the first time I ate deep-dish pizza in Chicago, or maybe anywhere, in decades. It was fun to introduce my grade school and high school friends to each other. To paraphrase John Lennon, a splendid time was had by all.

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