Day 79: September 22, 2024 - Chattanooga, TN, to Ducktown, TN

Start: Chattanooga, TN
End: Ducktown, TN
Miles: 68.3
Feet climbing per mile: 69
Record of the day's ride:

I had set my alarm for 6:00 hoping to be on the road at 7:30. At 6:10 one of my bunk mates knocked on my bed and said my alarm was going off. I was on the road at 9:20.

When I filled my tires I was surprised that my front tire had only 40 psi, much less than the 70 psi it had after I installed the tube I patched the previous day. I filled the tire to 70 psi and it seemed to be stable, but I was concerned that maybe my patch wasn’t as good as I had thought. I checked the pressure after riding 22 miles and it was about 70 psi, as was it at the end of the day. So the patch must be fine but I have no idea how the pressure dropped to 40 psi.

During my ride I discovered I could insert the can of dog repellent in the holder I had made in a way that I would be able to remove it more easily in case of an attack. Instead of having the clip around the top of the cage, I would put the clip around the Velcro of the holder.

Maybe Tennessee actually is the greenest state in the land of the free. Surely somebody gets my reference. Please write your guess in a comment below this post.

How are the kayakers not immediately swepped away by the current?

This part of Tennessee has the best rock formations I’ve seen in the state.

I guess nobody goes in over the dam.

My route this day had me on roads with a generous shoulder or roads with no shoulder and only light traffic. The exception was about ten miles of 64-74 along the Ococee River where there was usually little to no shoulder and intermittent incessant traffic in both directions.

Sinner: Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It’s been a long time since my last confession.

Priest: That’s ok, my son. God will forgive your sins provided you confess them and make a sincere act of contrition. What are your sins?

Sinner: I was on the committee that was responsible for planning the paving of a ten-mile section of highway 64-74 along the Ocoee River. I persuaded the others to not have a proper shoulder along that section of road, even though I knew there would be heavy traffic during the kayaking season.

Priest: My son, God is always willing to forgive your sins, but in this case you have committed an unforgivable sin for which you are condemned to Hell. For all eternity you will ride that section of road. If you are struck by a car, bus, or truck and injured or even killed, you will be revived so that you can continue to ride that section of road. Now go and sin no more!

I spent the night in the Ocoee River Inn. In a field nearby a tent revival went on for several hours.

Of whom does the singer remind you? Please post your answer in the comments below this post.

I bought my dinner from Hunt Brothers Pizza located in the convenience store which was also the office for the motel and ate it in my room.

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