Day 68: September 11, 2024 - Chicago, IL, to Carbondale, IL (by train), to Giant City State Park (by bike)

Start: Carbondale, IL
End: Giant City State Park
Miles: 13.4
Feet climbing per mile: 82
Record of the day's ride:

I arrived at Union Station at a time I thought to be plenty early. I told an Amtrak employee I had a ticket for my bike and he told me stay outside a certain waiting area until I heard my train announced. I heard the announcement but I don’t think it included the track number. I headed toward what I thought were Amtrak tracks but someone getting off a train there told me the Amtrak tracks were elsewhere and directed me accordingly. When I got to the correct track I told an Amtrak employee I had a ticket for my bike and he told me where to wait. An Amtrak policeman then asked me whether I had a tag for my bike. Of course I didn’t because nobody had said anything about a tag. The policeman directed me to the Amtrak counter to which I ran to get the tag. I ran back to the track and found the and found an Amtrak employee who showed me the storage car into which I put my bike. When I got into my seat I realized I still had the tag and that it was supposed to be on the bus. I asked a conductor whether the tag needed to be put on the bike to which he replied he wouldn’t tell anyone if I didn’t.

I experienced a lot of unnecessary stress due to the incomplete communication of several Amtrak employees. Despite the initial fiasco the train ride itself was pleasant.

As the train left the station I saw what all Chicagoans know as the Sears Tower.

What happens to all that corn?

My destination was just 13 miles away, but I considered taking a longer route so that I could stop at Rendelman’s to enjoy an apple cider float. Rendelman’s is where I had delicious peach ice cream pints (no longer available) five years ago. The float would have added 16 miles to the ride, so I forwent having it because I didn’t get started riding until 2:15 and it was hot out.

It was a pleasure to ride on a road with tree cover, which has been extremely rare on this trip.

My left cleat broke three miles from my destination. I was about to replace it when I thought I might be able to ride with a cleat cover on the left cleat. That worked quite well, and I even rode a little at the end of my ride with cleat covers on both cleats. That worked too, showing me what to do if both cleats break and I have no spares.

I spent the night in a cabin at Giant City State Park Lodge and had dinner at the restaurant in the lodge.

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