Day 72: September 15, 2024 - Grand Rivers, KY, to Dover, TN

Start: Grand Rivers, KY
End: Dover, TN
Miles: 48.2
Feet climbing per mile: 66
Record of the day's ride:

The day again began with a swim I thoroughly enjoyed, shortly after 7:00. I then wrote and published my blog post for the previous day. Blogging early in the morning when I’m fresh seems to work better than in the evening when I’m tired.

I started my ride feeling fresh, knowing that the rest day had the desired effect.

I don’t think I had ever seen so many empty gondola cars. Or are they hopper cars?

The picture below is representative of my entire ride through the Land Between the Lakes: little traffic, good surface, lots of tree cover, many short descents and climbs.

The state line between Kentucky and Tennessee was clear on the road.

I was glad the word “buffalo” does not appear on the sign.

I yelled out “You are bison, not buffalo! Do not let anyone call you ‘buffalo’!”.

What an interesting structure!

I’m staying at the Dover Inn Motel, the same place I stayed July 5th, 2019, on my 4,500-mile solo trip. After a shower, shave, and change of clothes I walked to the Sonic where I had a strawberry float. On the way back to my motel I saw this exposed piece of dangerous machinery at a car wash. If someone touches the part that is spinning (much faster than it appears to be in the video), I think a serious injury could occur.

I bought my dinner at Hillbilly’s BBQ and ate it in my room.

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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