Day 28: August 2, 2024 - Cambridge, ID, to Council, ID

Start: Cambridge, ID
End: Council, ID
Miles: 22.4
Feet climbing per mile: 37
Record of the day's ride:

I slept until 6:45 (5:45 Pacific time)). I called three motels in Riggins, all of whom told me they had no rooms for Saturday night. Finally I was able to reserve a room, the last available, at the Riverview Motel.

I was on the road at 9:00, which was rather late, but I figured I could complete the 22-mile ride by noon, which I did. It was hot!

About halfway on the ride I stopped to buy a chocolate bar.

The scenery was again beautiful.

I thought there were ravens sitting on top of the rail but now I think they are figures of people and horses.

As I came into the Trailside RV & Bicycle Park I saw a mild version of a puke machine. No, it does not go around by itself.

Dawndie, the manager, directed me to a shady spot to set up my tent which is near the shower, bathroom, and laundry. The fee is $10 per night but mine was covered by someone who had stayed here and who paid $30 for the benefit of three campers one night each.

I took advantage of the laundry and the dry heat to wash all my dark clothes.

In the afternoon I had a sandwich, ginger beer, and a soft-serve ice cream cone.

At 6:30 it was still 100 degrees.

For dinner I had 1.5 quarts of Tillamook Oregon Strawberry Ice Cream. I didn’t know whether I would eat it all but I did.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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