Day 41: August 15, 2024 - Dillon, MT, to Virginia City, MT

Start: Dillon, MT
End: Virginia City, MT
Miles: 56.7
Feet climbing per mile: 32
Record of the day's ride:

I was up at 7:00 and took my time packing leisurely. I discovered that  my water bladder, when not filled, can be stored inside the blue stuff sack and the blue stuff sack stored inside the orange stuff sack holding my cold-weather riding clothing. This makes for a more compact load secured with bungee cords on top of the trunk bag.

About halfway to Twin Bridges the Beaverhead Rock caught my attention.

As I went around the curve I realized that Beaverhead Rock extended much farther than I originally thought.

The video doesn’t show it but the horses seemed curious about me. When I stopped in front of them they all walked toward me.

In Twin Bridges I stopped at The Shack and enjoyed their chocolate lava cake.

As I rode into Virginia City there was a threat of rain. I had planned to stay at the Rambling Moose Campground about a mile beyond the city, but I decided instead to stay at the Fairweather Inn right in the midst of all the interesting historical buildings. The Fairweather is a charming old-fashioned hotel.

The legs of the chair in my room were loose so I tightened the bolts holding them. It was fortunate that the bolts were metric.

I ate dinner at the Wells Fargo Steakhouse & Eatery.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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