Day 48: August 22, 2024 - Colter Bay, WY, to Jackson, WY

Start: Colter Bay, WY
End: Jackson, WY
Miles: 40.7
Feet climbing per mile: 29
Record of the day's ride:

At dinner the previous night I happened to check the air quality for the surrounding area and discovered there was a wildfire whose smoke made it impossible to ride to Dubois from the expensive cabin I had booked for the next day. I started to think about options for getting around the smoke, including riding a different route, taking a bus, and renting a car. I went to bed not knowing how the next day (this one) would go.

In the morning I heard from one of the campground employees that it had gotten down to 36 in the night. No wonder I had trouble sleeping, although I didn’t feel as bad as the night I spent at West Fork.

Shortly after 6:30 I walked to the restaurant to have breakfast and figure out how to avoid the smoke. It took more than three stressful hours to determine that I would stay in Jackson, Daniel Junction, Farson, and Atlantic City, before riding to Jeffrey City at which point I would be back on my original route. In each of the locations I made a reservation for a motel.

I finally got on the road at 1:15. Jackson was only 40 miles away, so I wasn’t concerned about my late start.

My route to Jackson afforded me views of the Teton Range.

Along the way I met John, who had a passenger, Peter. I had seen them on either the first or second day of this trip, when they were traveling toward Portland as I was headed to Astoria. I had asked where they were going and John said “New York”, but he didn’t stop to talk. What a treat and what a surprise to see them again! This time we exchanged contact info.

A large portion of the day’s ride was on a beautifully-paved bike path parallel to the road.

I stayed at The Cache House, which provides bunk beds, drawers, lockers, showers, and bathrooms to travelers. It’s super clean and super cool. I hadn’t slept in an upper bunk since I was a kid.

I ate dinner at Liberty Burger.

As of this writing I have not written blog posts for the previous two days, but will do so as soon as possible.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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