Day 57: August 31, 2024 - Riverside, WY, to Walden, CO

Start: Riverside, WY
End: Walden, CO
Miles: 49.1
Feet climbing per mile: 59
Record of the day's ride:

I knew that there was a convenience store at mile 36 so I did not fill my water bladder. When I got to the convenience store I filled my two water bottles and continued on my ride. Within three miles I had drunk both water bottles. I should have drunk my fill at the convenience store and then filled the two water bottles for the final twelve miles to my destination.

Again I saw cows walking in a line along a fence, but this time they were moaning.

Colorado might be colorful but based on my experience this day it could also be called the state with cracked roads.

Colorado also has some beautiful rock formations.

The cows in the picture below were initially all close to the fence, but as I approached they all ran away. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen adult cows run.

I’m staying in an elegant room in the Antlers Inn. I had dinner in the cafe downstairs.

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