Day 33: August 7, 2024 - Lowell, ID, to Powell Junction, ID

Start: Lowell, ID
End: Powell Junction, ID
Miles: 65.8
Feet climbing per mile: 51
Record of the day's ride:

As I was getting ready to go to sleep I heard a loud hum coming from the adjacent room. I determined it was the air conditioner running full blast. I probably hadn’t noticed it earlier because I had been running my own air conditioner. For a while I wondered whether I would be able to sleep with all that noise. Then I saw instructions to use the red phone in front of the main building to call for help after hours. I called using that phone and asked whether someone was in the adjacent room or the air conditioner was running full blast for no reason. The person who answered said he would look into it. In less than half an hour the hum stopped. I opened my door and yelled “Thank you! Now I can get a good night’s sleep.”.

I was up at 6:00 and out of my room at 7:00. I went to the main building where the WiFi was best and learned that there would be no water available during my ride, so I filled my water bladder. I also did some email communication. As I was ready to start riding I noticed that my right front brake pad was rubbing the rim. I won’t go into the details but it took me half an hour to get the front brake working properly.

I was on the road at 8:00 and it was comfortably cool. The entire 65 miles would be a gentle climb, all of it along the Lochsa River.

Several times I saw a primitive bridge across the river.

I arrived at Loscha Lodge at 2:30. I had been planning to stay at Powell Campground next door but at the lodge asked about budget accommodations for cross-country cyclists. I was told camping was available on the grass behind the convenience store for just $10 and access to the shower house was another $10. This was so much more convenient than the other campground so that’s where I spent the night.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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