Day 38: August 12, 2024 - Sula, MT, to Jackson, MT

Start: Sula, MT
End: Jackson, MT
Miles: 51.7
Feet climbing per mile: 59
Record of the day's ride:

I was up at 7:00 and it felt chilly.

Just before going to bed I examined my water bladder and saw that the leak was the result of a crack in the plastic piece onto which the cap is screwed. I could see that the plastic piece was actually two pieces that had been fused together. I put some crazy glue on the crack, and indeed all the way around the cap in the seam between the two pieces. When I tested my repair in the morning there was no leak. Success! But I don’t know whether the crack might again open. If the two pieces had been one molded piece of plastic instead of two, no crack would ever appear. I will write to the manufacturer to encourage them to change their manufacturing practice.

The ride began with a challenging climb of about 8 miles. In contrast to the previous day I felt strong and energetic. I never needed to walk. The scenery was gorgeous.

In the last week or so I’ve seen white crosses along the road. At the visitors’ center at the summit of Lost Trail Pass I found out what they mean.

After the challenging climb there was a shorter fast descent, followed by gentle descent all the way to Wisdom. This section of the ride was through wide open spaces with mountains in the distance.

I stopped in Wisdom to have a salad before continuing on to Jackson.

I saw a sign that said the Continental Divide was in the distance but neglected to take a picture of the sign.

I spent the night at the Bunkhouse, a cool hostel for cyclists. Dinner consisted of two microwaved items, a fruit cup, a yogurt, and some green beans, all from the Bunkhouse because the only restaurant in town was closed.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland. There's a gap from yesterday because I forgot to turn on tracking.

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