Day 42: August 16, 2024 - Virginia City, MT, to West Fork Cabin Camp, MT

Start: Virginia City, MT
End: West Fork Cabin Camp, MT
Miles: 49.5
Feet climbing per mile: 58
Record of the day's ride:

I was up at 7:00.

I had noticed that my trunk bag has been sliding forward on the rails of the rack, but I decided to delay adjusting the trunk bag.

I noticed that my left biking shoe needed repair.

I repaired the shoe with some of the waterproof tape Sarah, whom I met as she was riding west, gave me a few days ago.

I then went on a quick tour of Virginia City, taking one picture in each of the old buildings.

There’s also a museum, but as you can see from the pictures above, most of Main Street is itself a museum.

The ride began with a challenging 3.5-mile climb, much of which I walked. The climb didn’t seem so steep, so I started to think that the challenge might be the result of me not being acclimated to the elevation.

Here’s a picture of the last part of the climb.

After the climb came a fast descent of eight miles. It’s a lot of work to descend fast for so long when the motorized traffic is moving at 70 miles per hour.

In Ennis I met Kenneth who was biking east to west. We found a place to both have a piece of pie with ice cream. Sorry, no picture of the pie and ice cream.

I stopped at Dream Drift Flies which had a convenience store. I told Brad, the owner, where I planned to camp. When I told him I planned to eat at the Grizzly Bar & Grill he said I needed to have a reservation. I tried to get one but none were available at an appropriate time. I bought some tuna in packets that could be torn open for my dinner because the food where I would camp was very limited.

Shortly after leaving Dream Drift Flies it seemed the stones I was sometimes rolling over made too much of a bump. I checked my rear tire and found that its pressure was only 20 psi rather than 75. I was able to increase the pressure to 30 but then it would start to decrease. I found a good place to replace the tube.

There's the culprit!

I knew the camp store where I was headed was scheduled to close and 6:000 and that I would not get there until later than that. I was lucky to have service to be able to call and ask Billy to keep the store open until I arrived.

There had been headwinds since I left Ennis but after changing the tube they were stronger.

Here are the views of the West Fork of the Madison River as I crossed the single-lane bridge into the campground.

At the camp store I bought some chips and a pint of ice cream to supplement the food I had bought earlier. I ate the ice cream as soon as I got to my campsite.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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