Day 49: August 23, 2024 - Jackson, WY, to Daniel Junction, WY

Start: Jackson, WY
End: Daniel Junction, WY
Miles: 67.4
Feet climbing per mile: 46
Record of the day's ride:

How wonderful it was to be warm through the night and to get some good sleep!

For almost all of the 14 miles from Jackson to Hoback Junction I was on a beautifully paved bike path running parallel to the main road. The main road had a good shoulder but on the bike path I had no need to deal with traffic.

After Hoback Junction I encountered headwinds all the way to Daniel Junction.

I saw a moose, but soon after taking its picture I realized it was a statue.

Shortly after completing the one challenging climb of the day, I stopped at the Rim Station and had a Mountain Dew. As I was about to leave it started to rain. Once it slowed down I started to leave but immediately realized I needed to add some cold-weather clothes, so I went back to the Rim Station to put on a second long-sleeve wool shirt, tights, fingered gloves, and a cap. After riding a little while the rain stopped and the sun came out, at which time I removed the cap, fingered gloves, and windbreaker.

It was a long day, almost nine and one half hours from departure to arrival, but I felt good throughout thanks to the previous night’s restful sleep.

I had dinner at the Bear Den next to the Daniel Junction Motel where I spent the night.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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