Day 35: August 9, 2024 - Rest Day

Start and end: Missoula, MT
Miles: 2.3
Feet climbing per mile: 24

Record of the day's ride:

During the night I had serious leg cramps, the first in several weeks. I suspect I was dehydrated from the day before, despite having drunk lots of water with my electrolyte powder. My hunch was supported by my vision throughout the day not being as sharp as it had been. I could tell that my contact lenses weren’t floating very well.

I got up at 7:15 and determined that the resupply package of contact lenses, electrolyte powder, and several other items would be shipped to the bike hostel where I would stay in Dillon. Thank you, Lori, for collecting the items and for going to the post office to have them sent to me.

I also spoke with Carol at Angler's Roost RV & Campground, where I will stay in Hamilton Saturday night, who told me that they had plenty of space for cyclists to camp.

Getting my resupply set up and knowing where I would stay the next night was a great start to the day, but what came next I consider a grand slam.

The shoe that I had repaired in Eugene has for a while needed further repair. I told Stan Logan of Logan’s Shoe Repair that the fix didn’t need to be pretty, it just needed to keep the shoe together. Stan said he would see what he could do. In maybe ten minutes he had completed the repair.

The previous day I scheduled a lesson with my Feldenkrais colleague Alexsandra Burt who happens to live and work about a half mile from the airbnb where I’m staying. In the lesson Alexsandra included fascia work around my left shoulder blade that I think will help diminish or even eliminate the intermittent tingling through my left arm I’ve continued to experience while riding.

The need to true my rear wheel the morning I rode to Missoula was the second time I needed to true that wheel since leaving Portland. That indicated there might be a problem with the wheel that needed to be addressed. When Alex of Missoula Bicycle Works inspected the wheel he found that the tension on all the spokes was low (as I had guessed) and increased the tension. I think this will put an end to the need for frequent truing.

With three big wins I decided to go for a fourth, getting my reading glasses reassembled. I took them to American Eyecare Missoula where the screw that had come out was reinserted, and the other screw which was loose was tightened.


I had dinner at Scotty’s Table, which was suggested by Alex of Missoula Bicycle Works.

After reviewing my routes for the next two days, I realized I need to ride the next day to Darby, rather than  Hamilton, in order to shorten the following day’s ride. I made a reservation for a tent site in Darby.

Missoula was not originally on my route but I decided to spend two nights there when Derick, whom I met three weeks ago at Spoke’n Hostel in Mitchell, Oregon, encouraged me to do so. Am I glad I did! And the airbnb hosted by Jennipha was the perfect place to stay.

See all of my daily routes here: Cross Country 2024

Follow my progress on this map. Click VIEW ALL and then pinch the map to see my progress from the start in Portland.

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